Level up your AI game

upskill into the ai era with Advanced prompt mastery

Andy & Stu reveal their secrets to crafting prompts that get AI's like chatgpt & claude to work exactly as you need them to. Beginner or pro, it's time to prompt like a master!

Stop settling for bad AI output

Tired of hit-and-miss results with AI's like ChatGPT & Claude? Convinced ChatGPT has 'got dumber?' 

Our cutting-edge course gives you the framework to consistently create prompts that deliver superior outputs that people are happy to pay for.

With our specialized training, you'll gain prompt engineering skills to optimize any application. No matter what your use case, this course will equip you with everything you need to dominate with AI.


Meet andy & stu, your ai prompt engineers...

Andy and Stu are the founders of Evolution Unleashed and leading experts in prompt engineering. As pioneers in this field, they've built an elite prompting community called The Unleashed, where members learn hands-on from their proven techniques.

With a gift for breaking down complex topics into easy to follow lessons, Andy & Stu will guide you step-by-step to achieve the same level of prompt mastery they have. Their real-world case studies and personal guidance will save you months or years of trial and error.

Rest assured you're learning from the best. Andy and Stu's prompt skills are unmatched; just read the glowing testimonials from members of The Unleashed if you need proof!

beginner friendly

who is prompt mastery for? tick all that apply...

You're worried AI could make your job obsolete if you don't upskill, and you want to figure out how to make sure you stay relevant in the AI era.
You feel overwhelmed trying to keep up with new AI innovations - kinda like drinking from a firehose.
You've tried using ChatGPT, but struggle to get good results consistently - it just seems to create low quality content when you use it.
You're an aspiring entrepreneur wanting to utilize AI tools for your startup so you don't get out-competed as AI becomes the norm.
You're a business owner needing to integrate AI to stay competitive, because you know if you don't figure this out, your competitors will.
You want to use AI models like ChatGPT, but lack technical or coding skills and find using these tools a little challenging.




This course goes way beyond just teaching you how to use AI. It's designed to help you truly master prompt engineering using a first principles approach.

Through easy-to-follow (and fun) video training, we give you an inside look at the exact frameworks, thought processes, and techniques we use to build our prompts from the ground up.

You'll gain hard skills like structuring prompts tailored to specific requirements. But more importantly, you'll develop the analytical mindset of expert prompt designers. We teach you how to engineer outstanding prompts for any situation or use case, along with real-world examples and case studies. The outcome is prompt engineering you can apply confidently to any task or situation.


All You Pay Is $97!

This all-in-one course shows you how to use AI to transform your life, Business, and career.

Here Is Everything You Get When You SIGN UP TODAY

  • Advanced Prompt Mastery    
  • Methodology & approach to prompt building
  • The 'ins and outs' of talking to AI's like ChatGPT, Claude, Bing, etc
  • Proven prompt structure for complex tasks
  • Full Step-by-Step Video Walk Throughs
  • Exercises To Hone Your Prompt Building Skills   
  • Insider Prompting Tips & Tricks 
  • Ongoing Support from Andy & Stu
  • Access to our 15,000 strong Elite Prompting Community, The Unleashed

get in today for

only $97


Are we the real deal? See for yourself...

Hear from The Unleashed

Jason P
Business owner
These guys really know their stuff. I've been in the AI space for a few years, and thought I was good at prompting. The approach to prompt engineering here is the best I've seen, and it's changed the way I work with AI.

I have to say without a doubt, that the clarity with which the prompts are engineered and then presented to us is extremely user-friendly

K.C Wong
AI enthusiast
“The output from the phenomenal prompts that they teach in the course are out of this world! Thanks and kudos to Stu Jordan and Andy Stone for letting us get onboard this marvelous spaceship (course) before we hyperjump to space, where no man has ever gone before. 🤯💎🥂👏”

“WHAT???!!!! Just tried this and can't believe I was doing all that manually!! I'm relatively new to this so my mind is racing right now on the possibilities!”
Aymeric A
“If you are looking for prompt training ... all the while generating useful ammos for your business, go and sign up. You won't regret it. (And no I don't get anything by saying this, and they didn't ask me to do it either!)”

Gerald M
Stu & Andy are the real-deal. The value they give is incredible and they break it all down so it is really easy to follow and understand. Grateful I found this.


see what's inside

A complete roadmap to prompt mastery

Join the journey to become a Prompt Engineer! With Andy and Stu's personal mentoring, you'll gain the skills, confidence, and mindset to engineer prompts like a pro.

Module #1:


Learn essential concepts like prompts, tokens, and temperature that form the foundation for effective conversations with AI systems like ChatGPT. Get clarity on its capabilities and limitations to set the right expectations.

Expected Outcome: You'll gain the core knowledge needed to start structuring basic prompts and queries that elicit relevant, high-quality responses from the model.

Module #2:


Discover why human intelligence is an important part of filtering AI outputs. Learn to detect biases, inaccuracies, and falsehoods in generated content.

Expected Outcome: You'll be able to critically evaluate AI outputs, overcoming limitations through balanced integration of your expertise and intellect.

Module #3:

prompt STRUCtuRE

Master structuring optimized prompts by setting clear goals, providing context, defining outputs, and giving customized guidelines. Learn structures that result in greater clarity, relevance, and alignment in AI's responses.

Expected Outcome: You'll be able to engineer prompts tailored for your specific objectives, guiding AI to provide you with the perfect results for any situation.

Module #4:


Go beyond basics by learning the various methodologies required to engineer highly effective prompts. Gain strategic insight into expert prompt engineering design through real-world examples and hands-on exercises.

Expected Outcome: You'll develop the creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving ability to strategize and craft optimized prompts customized to your goals and use case.

Module #5:


Avoid common mistakes and learn techniques to refine prompts through an iterative approach. Understand how to analyze and tweak both prompts and generated outputs for improvement.

Expected Outcome: You'll have proven best practices to refine prompts for excellence, achieving desired results faster with minimal wasted effort.

Module #6:


Through hands-on practice with content editing, summarization, and translation, master iterative refinement to steadily mold AI outputs to your vision.

Expected Outcome: You'll be able to analyze outputs objectively and refine prompts repeatedly until the results align perfectly with your objectives.

Module #7:


Elevate your prompt game with specialized instructions that make AI work exactly as needed. Learn real-world examples for instructions that deliver outstanding solutions while avoiding common downfalls, while making your prompt work so much easier.

Expected Outcome: You'll be able to give AI customized directives tailored for your use case, uncovering its full potential to provide you with personalized solutions.

Module #8:

chatgpt plugins

Discover powerful plugins that extend ChatGPT's capabilities, with no coding required. See how tools for summarization, data visualization, and web research can open up new possibilities in what you can do with ChatGPT.

Expected Outcome: You'll be able to utilize plugins to easily augment ChatGPT's strengths, opening the door to specialized applications that would otherwise be difficult to achieve.

Module #9:


Learn tips and techniques to overcome common AI limitations like small text boxes and limited context. Discover ChatGPT's advanced context uploading tool. See how Claude can work with large uploaded documents to extract insights.

Expected Outcome: You'll be equipped with techniques to provide AI systems immense background knowledge, enabling more complex use cases beyond the text box limitations.


The Future of Prompting


Get an insider's view into the future of prompt engineering as AI evolves. Learn how to stay ahead of the curve and future-proof your skills. Discover trends like prompt-based content creation, software, and more.

Expected Outcome: You'll be equipped with Andy & Stu's predictions and strategies for the future so you can position yourself on the cutting edge as prompt engineering advances.




Stu takes you through the entire process of building a prompt from scratch, with a specific focus on methodologies you can employ when you lack domain expertise in the area you are building prompts for. 

Expected Outcome: You'll be able to see firsthand the process of building a prompt from scratch, giving you valuable insights into leveraging methodologies that will make you a very versatile prompter!


the following upgrades ARE available*

*These optional upgrades are coming soon...once available, you will be offered these once you've completed your initial purchase. 

If they are not yet available, and you do not see the upgrade options, you will still be able to purchase them at a later date. 

UPGRADE 01: $47

Prompting for profit

Discover how to monetize your newfound prompt engineering expertise, either as a business or career. Learn strategies and models for providing prompt services for SaaS companies, business consultation, freelancing, and more.

Expected Outcome: You'll have a roadmap to start monetizing your skills, whether through prompt services, utilizing prompts for business growth, or integrating prompts into salaried roles.

UPGRADE 02: $97

AI-Powered Frameworks

This powerful upgrade to Advanced Prompt Mastery helps you leverage the skills you developed to build AI-powered frameworks (like our Marketing Accelerator Framework or Intensive Foundations (ChatGPT as your business consultant) Framework.

We firmly believe AI-powered frameworks are the way forward. In this module, we'll break down our full approach, strategy, and systems. 

The complete prompt mastery framework

As You Can See, Everything You're Going To Need is here

This course covers all levels - from beginner foundations to advanced techniques. Andy & Stu distil their specialized knowledge into a proven, step-by-step methodology.

With hands-on exercises, expert guidance for your level, and a supportive community, you'll gain the skills and mindset for excellence in prompt engineering. The result? Limitless potential to make AI work for your goals.

your questions answered

Frequently Ask Question

What is the time commitment needed for this course?

The course is designed to be completed in 20-30 hours over 4-6 weeks. With lifetime access, you can move through the material at your own pace.

What level of expertise is needed to benefit from this course?

It's tailored for beginner to expert prompt users looking to skill up. No technical or coding expertise is required, just an eagerness to learn!

Will this course help me use prompts professionally or make money?

Yes! Between the core material and Prompting for Profit bonus lessons, you'll have the skills to monetize your expertise.

Do I need any special software or tools?

Nope! All you need is access to ChatGPT or Claude. The course is compatible with both the free and paid tiers for both these platforms.

Is there a community aspect for discussions and feedback?

Yes, we have an exclusive private online community for students to share ideas, ask questions, and make connections.

How does the course compare to other AI or ChatGPT training?

This goes much more in-depth, with advanced techniques and methodologies developed in-house by Evolution Unleashed. What we teach will not found in other prompt courses. Our systematic framework is designed to take you all the way to prompt mastery.

Will I be able to use these skills for personal needs too?

Absolutely! The techniques work for diverse use cases from business to everyday tasks. You'll be able to apply prompt engineering in all areas of life.

Do I need coding or technical skills to take this course?

Nope, no coding or tech skills are required! The course is designed for anyone to understand, even with zero technical background.

What makes Andy & Stu qualified to teach this material?

They are pioneers in prompt engineering with thousands of hours of combined hands-on expertise crafting prompts for clients and their elite prompting community, The Unleashed. They've also launched 2 AI-powered frameworks, the MAF, and Foundations. Their proven methodologies are taught in this course. You can check their work for free, and learn more about your frameworks in our Facebook Group here: www.facebook.com/groups/evolutionunleashedai

Will I get access to future updates to the course?

Absolutely! This course includes lifetime access, so you'll receive all future content updates, new material, and access to community discussions indefinitely.

Can I rewatch the material as many times as I want?

Yes, with lifetime access you can return to rewatch the course videos, re-read the materials, and refresh your knowledge at any time after enrolling. Review the content as often as you need.

© Copyright 2023 Evolution Unleashed |  All Rights Reserved.
We can't guarantee you'll become a world-famous prompt whisperer or chatbot your way to untold riches. But with grit and applied effort, you might surprise yourself. At the very least, you'll impress friends with your skills. Just don't blame us if they stare back confused about AI's impact on jobs. That part's on you. Also, we are in no way affiliated with or endorsed by Facebook, OpenAI, Anthropic, or any other company. We just aim to help regular folks use AI tools better!

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